David Maister was kind enough to write some nice words about The No Asshole Rule on his blog after reading an advance copy. As skilled bloggers do, he took the ideas the next step and added his own twists and extensions. I was especially struck by his thoughts about the situations that turn typically civilized people into temporary assholes. See his post for the complete set of comments, but it is worth repeating his initial list below. As I went through it, it certainly described the times when my inner jerk has reared its ugly head. Indeed, I think I am going to start using it as a personal checklist to help me decide when to go into hiding! To quote David:
So, under what circumstances have you found (past tense, of corse) that you yourself ended up being the asshole?
Here’s the beginnings of my list:
I have been the asshole when:
- I got overexcited and overenthused on a topic (I lose my sense of proportion , just keep trying to make my point and don’t let people finish their sentences)
- I got tired
- Three things went wrong in a row. Two I can handle, but make it three and I lose it.
- I was asked to do more than one thing at a time. I’m not a multitasker, and I get shirty when people interrupt my concentration.
- I got criticized too directly (I reacted badly)
- I felt like I’m not being treated with respect
- I was trying too hard to ‘show off.’
Your inner jerk and mine must be related. Here are a few additional things that press my inner-asshole-buttons:
1. missed deadlines
2. having to explain things more than twice
3. suck ups
4. non-risk takers
5. warm and fuzzies
Posted by: Lewis Green | November 01, 2006 at 12:55 PM