Kent Blumberg not only only was kind enough to write a nice review about The No Asshole Rule, he also suggested that I contact a few other of his favorite bloggers to see if they were intersted in the book. One suggestion was Scott Adams of Dilbert fame -- who has a blog as many as you know. I met Scott briefly a few years back at IDEO right after they had designed "Dilbert's Ultimate Cubicle" for him. So I contacted him on whim, but didn't really expect a response. To my amazement, Scott wrote back a very nice note, commenting that "I love that
book title. I'm glad you held firm on it. It's brilliant." It made my day, as Scott is certainly an expert on workplace assholes. And Dilbert -- actually Scott -- appareently agrees with my post on Why I Call The Assholes.
P.S. Kent's blog just won the "You Get It Award" from Jibber Jobber for the month. Check it out!