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I will not get into what the word should be in American countries, but certainly in Spain there is no option other than "gilipollas". I guess "gilipuertas" would do, but it would be such a shame to waste the opportunity to say "gilipollas". As for the use of "pendejo" in Spain, Diego's uncle is just right in pointing that it means nothing along the lines of the English "asshole", but rather refers to someone too prone to partying.

On second thoughts, still no alternatives: gilipollas. As for the whole title it is not easy to translate. A Ghostbusters-like simbol is a very good suggestion, and it would probably be indexed in book stores and libraries as "Prohibidos los gilipollas" (Assholes forbidden). But I really cannot think of a satisfactory way to translate the title exactly. If you try something using the word rule, it comes out as "La norma de los no gilipollas", but the meaning is entirely different and it would seem to refer to a rule for the non-assholes, or made by the non-assholes. If you want to use a word meaning rule or law, you would have to sacrifice "asshole" and go for something along the lines of "La Ley de la No Gilipollez", but that would read something like "The Law of No "Assholeness"".

Perhaps simply "Contra los gilipollas" (Against the assholes).

I really can't think of anything better. If the decision was mine, and among these options, I would go for the Ghostbusters. Good luck with your decision, but for God's sake don't you let them talk you away from "gilipollas" for the Spanish (Spaniard?) edition.

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