It is exactly a month before The No Asshole Rule will be officially available, but there are some promising early signs. Amazon publishes a list of Popular Pre-Orders:Business and Investing and the book is currently ranked #2. I am not sure how this translates into sales, but I am nearly sure that the nice reviews on blogs are one of the main drivers of these early sales, plus my editor believes that the Publisher's Weekly review is helping too. This is my fourth book and the only thing I am sure of is that publishing business is so weird that predicting and influencing what happens is just about impossible. But these early signs do have me enjoying at least temporary state of upbeat delusion about the prospects for spreading the word about bullies and creeps in the workplace -- and yes, I confess, for selling some books.
There are some other interesting things on the horizon that I will be writing about, including a speech I will be giving tomorrow to the people at SuccessFactors, all 400 or so of them, who are gathered in San Francisco for company-wide meeting. As I've written about before, SuccessFactors requires all new employees to sign "rules on engagement," which include a pledge that "I will be a good person to work with -- I will not be be an asshole."
Congrats Bob, I look forward to reading it.
Posted by: Ryan Mickle | January 23, 2007 at 12:24 AM
I'm in. Can't wait to find out how big of asshole I have been in the past. I am sure after I read it that I will have a lot of apologizing to do to people I have improperly offended.
Posted by: Chuck Newton | January 22, 2007 at 06:59 PM