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Jerry reynolds

Dr. Sutton,

Regarding your use of the word Asshole in the title and throughout the book - and any critical comments you may receive - In my first year at West Point an Army Colonel was giving us an introduction to Leadership and in his brief outline of how to be a good leader he said "Don't be an asshole." He didn't need to define that any further, he didn't need to apologize, he didn't even dwell on it. But we all knew exactly what he meant and it was one of the easiest lessons to remember.
The subject matter and the need to eliminate these people from the workplace is the issue not your phraseology. Sometimes no other words fit and it is better to err on the side of accuracy than diplomacy.

Thanks for the nice piece of writing.

Jerry Reynolds

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Asshole Survival

Scaling Up

Good Boss Bad Boss

No Asshole Rule

Hard Facts

Weird Ideas

Knowing -Doing Gap

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