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I just loved your questionaire. It couldn't have come at a better time for me.

I will actually fire a client for the second time in my career. Another client, I've just decided that I will never work with again

The interior design field is very vulnerable to lashes and whippings from clients. I find it more so in the residential.

We as designers are over glorified. I don't think it's rocket science to decide on colors and create furniture placement. Yes, I graduated at IDI and I learn plenty but I also recognize when client's have their own flair.

I had the to encounter the same vicious personality twice in my career and both times I've quit.
Why? Because they are ruthless. What I realized about this type is that they probably don't love their job, husband or whatever. They are jealous of what I do cuz it's considered a fun profession. They'd rather have my job than stay home with the kids. And, the like being a control freak so they are going to make my day the way they see it.

Ha! I laugh! There are times when I'd rather stay home and paint a picture. Today, that will happen for me as I'm sick of the toxic spew that has dripped all over me today.

The craziest thing is that this last client is a psychologist. I think it's hysterical. I can't help but laugh under my breath. This morning I told her I do not like the way she was talking to me and she proceeded to get louder.

There was no way to win. My way is to get out while the going's good!
It's a georgous day with spring weather. Cleaning my garage sounds like a much better idea. That will make room for the huge painting I'm about to attempt!

Thanks for giving me the insight today!

Michele M / Colorthemes

David C

I run a specialised consulting business. There are various metrics that describe the complexity of each job.

After accumulating accurate time sheets for a year or so, we set about analysing them. We found that the relationship between the metrics and time actually taken to complete each assignment was weak: R2 < 0.2.

What drives the cost to complete a job was the tractability of the original client. If he accepts recommendations and works collaboratively to implement them, things go much quicker than if he bitches about the recommendations and obstructs the implementation.

We've therefore abandoned the old pricing altogether and simply have a list of difficult customers who get charged more. Before the No Asshole Rule become widely known, we were calling this Asshole Pricing. It isn't just a tax, a surcharge on the regular price; the entirety of the price quoted is driven by Asshole considerations.

Arata Mitsumatsu

What works for me is

"I cant't believe how you became so sharp. I think you'd be 10x better than me if you talk about this your self.
Isn't god unfair.(with a sigh)

blah blah blah........

have you ever considered being a consultant? You could get close to Drucker"

Believe me or not, this kind of way too obvious brown nosing works, In fact assholes even look happy.

The only artifact. They might become your fan so don't get to far:-)

Ketsunoana(Asshole) from Japan

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