There is an interesting video clip of an interview on with former Gillette CEO, Jim Kilts. The interviewer quotes some familiar advice in Kilts' new book, Doing What Matters. Kilts argues that one of the practices that fueled Gillette's success during the years he led the company was "Never Hire a Prick, Even a Smart One." And, indeed, Kilts has an impressive track record, having led turnarounds at both Nabisco and Gillette. Kilts talks about how how "pricks" are smug self promoters and are destructive to the organization, and him it is essential to avoid hiring them or to drive them out of a company. As he says, they can get short-term results, but they break down people and organizations over the long haul. I prefer the word "asshole" because it applies to both men and women, but it appears that Mr. Kilts is talking about more or less the same thing. So I will add him to the list of leaders and places that use the no asshole rule -- which I think I will start calling The No Asshole Rule Honor Roll!
P.S. I just ordered the book and will write a little review of it after I've read it. He sounds like a great leader, but I am somewhat concerned about the huge payoff that Mr. Kilts is enjoying for selling Gillette to Procter & Gamble -- although I do have soft spot in my heart for P&G as (starting with CEO A.G. Lafley) they are one of the most civilized companies I know and are also deeply committed to innovation.
Have a look at "Topgrading" by Bradford Smart
Posted by: Moe Nawaz | August 26, 2009 at 07:26 AM
Tell me, have you heard anything about Cintas Corporation? They are one of the largest uniform rental companies in the world and are run by nothing but assholes. All supervisors, managers, etc. are ex-military and they treat their employees abominably. If you google their name you will see that they have been sued countless times in class actions by employees with regard to not paying overtime pay and other various shenanigans. I was just wondering if you had any information on this company. Thank you for your time.
Posted by: Debbie | January 02, 2008 at 08:31 PM
More than 10 years ago When A.G. was in Asia I don't remember the exact words but he told us that the higher you go in the company the less power you have. When a guy mowing the lawn in the Phillipines plant knows the mid term objectives and strategy, you know your getting there. Communication has to be that clear.
Posted by: Arata Mitsumatsu | October 01, 2007 at 05:16 PM
Hi Bob,
I do read your posts regulary and I enjoy reading them!I use many of your suggestions so that when I come across assholes, I can handle them deftly.
I have a concern though is when leaders like aforementinoed in the article say dont hire pricks? How do we believe them?Cant it be that he is a real smart ass who knows this concept of avoiding & eliminating jerks is gaining strength. So the leader says 'Let me say something on same lines'.
Yes we can research the companies they have led, how the results have been achieved etc etc. But my question is how do we know that the leader was really intent on avoding jerks. Or was it some smart person just below him in the ladder?HOw?
Posted by: Deepak Surti | September 03, 2007 at 01:31 AM