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Mark Howell

I love the fact that he warns about the potential downside while acknowledging the potential upside. Maybe it all goes back to the importance of clarifying expectations on the front end; a call for truth in advertising. This is an important word for all of us in the business of helping organizations advance. Thanks for reposting the quote!

Bill Burnett

It seems every company I have worked for in the past 20 years had a forced ranking system. I have hated these from the beginning, because I believe in clear measurable goals that deliver what the company needs, and if a unit beats that goal, and it is a team effort how can you fairly credit only 20% of the people. However, in turning around a unit at BofA in San Francisco years ago, I did get an exception from HR and the 60 staff members in the unit earned rankings as exceptional or outstanding (the top 2 of a 5 level ranking). I describe why in my blog (link above) of November 13, 2007 Blog, "Adults Manage Themselves"

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