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Michael Lee Stallard

Montesquieu advocated a separation of powers for this reason. Power isolates leaders from knowledge if they become insensitive to the feelings of others. Who wants to help an asshole? Here's an article on the isolation of leaders entitled "Leading through the Power of Community"

Michael Lee Stallard

Power makes people insensitive to the feelings of others and has the result of isolating them from the flow of knowledge. Who want to help out a asshole? That's one reason Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the Laws and advocated a separation of powers that requires collaboration and cooperation in order to get things done. It was a brilliant structural solution. Here's a link to a few articles including one on this topic that is entitled "Leading with the Power of Community."

Michael Lee Stallard

Power makes people insensitive to the feelings of others and has the result of isolating them from the flow of knowledge. Who want to help out a asshole? That's one reason Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the Laws and advocated a separation of powers that requires collaboration and cooperation in order to get things done. It was a brilliant structural solution. Here's a link to a few articles including one on this topic that is entitled "Leading with the Power of Community."

Michael Sporer

We've heard it said, "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely". Sadly, that is so true in this "What's in it for Me Society". To me, power attained should be the catalyst for humility! Power needs to be used for the greater good, not individual ego. The corrupting nature of power isn't human nature, it's human reaction. Human reaction can be controlled. Imagine a world in which people in power kept ego in check! Less assholes, for sure....

Mike S

Lilly Evans

Reading this and then the actual article, I am strongly reminded of the last week's Davos gathering. All those powerful people, so no wonder that in the article today in Financial Times their journalist Gideon Rachmann, who attended the meeting, concludes:

"The theme of this year’s World Economic Forum was meant to be “collaborative innovation”. It is difficult to think of anything less collaborative or innovative than a new era of resource wars."

Karl Edwards

Power without accountability to those with less power in the organization is a recipe for disaster. Thanks for the helpful link. I'm not familiar with Greater Good. I look forward to checking it out.

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