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Brian Sexton

I use Firefox as my main browser on any computer I use—whether Windows, Mac OS X, or GNU/Linux—because it provides a decent overall user experience as an application with a decent interface, good extensibility, and good security. Unfortunately, the visual core of the browser—the layout engine—does not compare well to those in Safari or Opera, but I still usually choose Firefox over either of those because I prefer the rest of the application (the notable exception being that Flash video seems to crash my Windows system frequently under Firefox, but rarely under Safari).

The layout engine in Firefox 3 seems to have been improved, but when I tried some of the betas, I very much disliked the new bookmark system (e.g., accidentally adding bookmarks with the pop-up panel thing and waiting for the unresponsive bookmarks menu to appear), so I am not even sure if Firefox 3 will be better than Firefox 2 overall let alone whether any version of Firefox really deserves to be called better than the rest. I think Firefox is easily better than Internet Explorer, but if you consider the quality of the various layout engines, Safari and Opera both easily beat Firefox and if history is any indication, both of their layout engines seem likely to continue to evolve more quickly than that of Firefox.


In 2006, Microsoft released the seventh version of IE, not the sixth.

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