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Wow! This site is very good!.
I am from Egypt and bad know English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "The I could get hit by a bus theory of drug and alcohol use you must find the right alcohol treatment program for your needs.Alcohol and your health - where do you draw the line."

:p Thanks in advance. Cal.

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patients need to realize that doctors and nurses are just people doing their jobs. Doctors need to learn how to treat their patients with respect instead of looking at them as another chart

Sandy Piderit

Hi Bob,

I agree that many of those principles are easily adapted to different contexts and could effectively guide colleagues toward a more constructive way of preventing errors.

Since I have been recently teaching at the Naval Postgraduate School, I'm reminded of how hard it can be for individuals in authority to recognize the potential that their subordinates may be self-censoring. I wonder what we can tell to leaders about how to be less intimidating, even when their influence on subordinates is unintentional?


and sometimes, the nurse is wrong, but the empowerment to question or at least ask for an explanation is where it begins

Wally Bock

This is all wonderful stuff, Bob. And it's where things have to start, but we need to remember that for a nurse to confront a physician in most hospitals is an act of bravery, even if the nurse is right. And we need to remember that making all this work in the rush of the day is a supreme act of discipline and will.

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