I want to thank everyone for the great comments on my last post, which raises the question: Is the only effective way to deal with an impossible boss to suffer in silence until you can escape?
Every comment so far is extremely thoughtful. I was especially taken taken with how John described how he had learned to deal with impossible bosses as he traveled through his career. My favorite line, however, comes from Jason, who comments:
As I've written here many times, being an workplace asshole is often a malady that you catch from other people. But the roaches analogy is a lovely way to out it.
Roaches - a usable synonym for those of us who may be vocabulary pietists!
I think another area of further thought might be the destructive influence of "employees"/"team members"/"staffers", et.al. who, whether or not they claim allegiance to "the plan" and "leadership", subvert it intentionally --TERMITES.
I have been on building remodel sites where the termit infestation had been so extensive, and from their viewpoint "successful", that you could actually crush a wooden 2x4 with your bare hand - look good on the outside, but hollowed out by the termites (who of course are by then long gone seeking other structures to devour).
Something to think about?
Posted by: Randy | December 05, 2009 at 11:40 AM