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Dr. Sutton,
It is the picture... and the idea. Work Matters.


May we see a side-by-side comparison, please? At the moment, the new design reminds me vaguely of another masthead I've seen somewhere, but I'm very tired and can't quite pin it down... I think I liked the old one better, but I really would like to compare the two against each other.

Juan Carlos Pinedo

Professor Sutton,
I don't know you personally, but when I see your videos, or read your blog, and then I saw the new design, I saw your persona all over. And, yes please, keep your picture there. I saw passion and beliefs for what you do.


Looks nice but could be better. The "W" is totally overwhelming and tries to take all the credit.


Hi Bob,

I like it, and I think the world of Katie. Isn't she awesome?

By the way, NEVER get rid of that author photo. It's the best ever.





Other than the very large font, it's nice.

patricia Tryon



I like it too, it was a bit of a shock at first but it's growing on me rapidly. It has a more modern feel than the old one.

I would move the type slightly further to the right though; for some reason, at the moment, I find my eye drawn to the centre line rather than to the words.

Daniel Christadoss

I am happy you mentioned the graphic. Would not have noticed it otherwise.
So, was it powerful enough?



Tim Berry

I like it. Clean, powerful, immediate.


I like it but would advise making the center column and the two side columns more different (lettertype or whatever). It would make it clearer "at a glance".

CV Harquail

Big thumbs up. I'm glad you kept the photo, it makes me chuckle every time I see it...cvh

Bret Simmons

yes, better :) Don't ever lose that picture - great branding.


New graphics are nice.....glad to see you didn't nix the contemplative pic of yourself. I like that!

bayrak imalati

Congratulations !
Very very nice site
Thank you.. =)

Account Deleted

Bit of waiting time there but ain't complaining :)

Fan from 'bulol' ( country (and regretfully, an ass---- on a few occasions).


Vivek Patwardhan

I liked the new graphics. Simple and elegant.


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