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"all bosses to ask themselves what their followers really think of them"
I don't 'follow' my boss, and I don't expect my staff to 'follow' me. That seems to put too much onto bosses (and deflates the capability of staff members). I think the heroic leader notion applied to work is a recipe for failure and much to prefer to think of work as building cooperative productive communities. The sooner we get away from the military analogy the better (and my experience in the Army is that the story book idea of a 'leader' and troops doesn't always work: no man is an island, and in combat if you're not listening to your troops, you're not in combat for long).


@Bryan: I have been thinking about this for some time. One of the marks of good leadership is having some kind of back-channel to the employees. Kings of old had court jesters. I read a memoir of an Army officer who had an understanding with his enlisted driver.

If a leader cannot form a trust relationship with at least one underling who tells it like it is, maybe they should not be a leader.


In the They Aren't Coming back article, the other owner compared McClaughlin to a drill sergeant. This was not viewed as a negative by this owner.

That just screams toxic work environment.

Randy Bosch

"The Rule" works both ways, doesn't it?


So, what is your suggestion? To simply ask your employees: "Am I an asshole?" If this is too direct, then how do you look at yourself and "see the light" if your people aren't able or willing to tell you that your an asshole? I mean, if the bosses are oblivious, and people can't get them to wake up, then how do they wake themselves up?

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