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I frequently employed the use of short 10-20min naps in my car throughout college, undergrad and grad. Studying, working, grading, researching, interning, etc practically forced me to make use of naps due to significantly decreased R&R on nights and weekends. Moving into the workforce was a rough wake-up call (sry, good pun) where all the sudden I had to fire on all cylinders for at least 8 straight hours.

Randy Bosch

"...the performance of students (measured by their ability to identify out-of-pitch tones..."

No information in the summary to identify if the subjects were pre-tested for tone-deafness or tonal awareness!

Clearly not an exhaustive and definitive study, but some practical advise about napping that has absolutely nothing to do with the method of cognition utilized in the study!


Best. Study. Ever.


My wife has developed (perfected?) the 20 minute power nap that serves her well. She is completely rejuvenated after her short nap and can continue her busy day on through the evening and night (productively, I might add.)

I, on the other hand, have not been so blessed. I have tried for years to develop this "skill", with no luck. In fact, napping seems to have the opposite effect on me and complelety saps my desire to plod ahead. Must be why they make vanilla and chocolate.

Dan Markovitz

Years ago I worked in the municipal board of education in a small town in Japan. My office was in city hall, and it actually had a nap room. Best of all, there was no stigma attached to using it.


I wonder how napping compares to other activities one might engage in at lunch, such as exercise or meditation?

Bob Sutton


Thanks, I appreciate the correction.


lying down, not laying

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