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Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach

If the planet of human beings and the universe of business practiced #9 "It is good to ask yourself, do I have enough? Do you really need more money, power, prestige, or stuff?", the picture of this life would be completely different.

Then take the energy, time, and commitment from that thought and put it on helping others.

Kate Nasser

Nikolay Zverev

The listed rules describe the life inside of office but outside of working process (social life). In this case work really does not matter:)
This system of rulles is seriously not full.This rulles will not help a young man to become a boss. This rulles will not help experienced boss to build a new business process. This rulles are OK for a person who is a boss for a long time, seatting in a place where everything is organized many years ago by somebody else. It will help him to lead an easy social life in office and not to be an "a.." (wrong person:) for stuff.

P.S. i have read the original article at


#3 really struck me. My nature is to work alone (classic introvert). This is a reminder that i have to get out and mix if I want to have influence.

Bradley J. Moore

So much wisdom here - Especially number 6 (Avoid pompous jerks) and 15 (take more naps!). I have found that if I am bothered by someone acting like a jerk, then chances are everyone else is bothered too, whether or not they are saying it. The older I get, the easier this is for me to do (since I am more in control over my career, people who I work with, etc).

Also about the naps... I just turned 50 and some nice wise person suggested that I start taking naps every afternoon, since I rarely get enough sleep. What a great, simple idea for taking better care of myself and utltimately all of those that I work with.

Daniel Christadoss

Thanks for sharing your beliefs.
I would like to share a few of mine. They probably are part of your 17 anyway.
1. Talk more to people who talk less as they may have a lot to say.
2. A smile is your best friend
3. Every one likes to excel if you want them to.
4. Negativism is like cancer
5. Cut some slack for your boss, he is actually a nice guy and wants you to like and respect him as much as he does you.
6. We are all in the drivers seat

Ronn Kolbash

From your original list I always thought #1 and #4 were spot on. #4 always reminds me of the nursery rhyme about the wise old owl in an oak - sums your point up perfectly. As for your new additions, I really think there is tremendous value in #16. When tied together with #1 I think you have a solid starting point for what make a good boss.

Lacie Barber

Hi Bob,
I'm very excited to see sleep on your list (#15), and wholeheartedly agree. You may be interested my recent newsletter article:
The Unhealthy Sleeper Effect: Hidden Costs to Employee Health, Happiness, and Productivity

Mike Thomas

Hi Bob,
Number 7 resonates with me. Also number 17. I couldn't understanding my colleagues' "Work/Life" struggles until I realized that I was one of the fortunate people who loves my work - and can share it with others. I have no "work/life" balance issues because it's all the same to me. While I've heard it throughout my life, it still rings true (and would be my number 18) "Discover your bliss and follow it"

Jenilee Deal

I am also a proponent of #15. In addition, an initial read of #10 and #13 makes me feel that the two statements are at odds with one another. Does not a "little confidence" in order to be creative lead you to discount Sutton's law, even if it's true?

Steph Cowan

Hi Bob, you recently blogged about the fact that when the job market turns around, many folks who are just hanging on with bad bosses out of sheer necessity will leave their crappy workplaces. This Yahoo article seems to confirm your prediction, though they miss the boat by not addressing the impact of fear-based decision-making and poor leadership during this crisis.

Bret Simmons

Number 15 is one of my core beliefs. Why should you do today what you can put off until tomorrow, especially if it would cause you to lose sleep? :)

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