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John Paper

Can you write more about "Lend Me Your Wallets:" Research on the Link Between Charismatic CEOs and Stock Price, Featuring Steve Jobs..? I am making a list of the "Lend Me Your Wallets:" Research on the Link Between Charismatic CEOs and Stock Price, Featuring Steve Jobs..

Steve Nguyen

Dr. Sutton, my response would have been too long to fit in your comment section so I decided instead to write a post about Steve Jobs and charismatic leadership on my WorkplacePsychology.Net blog,


Does charisma include "appears to know what he's talking about"?


Professor Martin Kilduff, now at the University of Cambridge, recently presented to our group a new study he carried out on charisma. Although this particular piece examines how leaders affect team performance, his findings may be relevant to your question. The study is not published yet but an abstract is available at


Fascinating experiment! Here is another piece I came across which talks about the premium shareholders place on a great leader.

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