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Danny DeMichele Entrepreneur

It is a bit like Randy Komisar's The Monk and the Riddle, which is a great book that sold a lot, but it is even better and I think even more useful for most of us.


It has a Dharma doll on the cover :) I come across them all the time in Japan, where they are used as a symbol of good luck and perseverance.

They are sold without the eyes filled in and you colour in one when you make a wish and the the other when it comes true. I don't believe in wishing, so I colour in one when I decide to embark upon a challenge and the other when it is complete, then I right the date on the bottom. They serve as an excellent reminder not to give up and also as a lovely souvenir to remind me of my achievements.

They also come in different sizes, so I can pick my doll based on the size of the challenge I am facing.

Mike Sporer

Bob...I read his galley copy on a Saturday morning, and I couldn't agree more! Great book....

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