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Nice points, thanks.
An occasional deep look at the "inflated views of [my] own talents and prospects for success" can be pretty clarifying indeed.
Bytheway, perhaps some of you have seen the old Poirot detective movies. In there he often speaks like "Poirot noticed ..." or "Poirot thinks that ...". Seeing yourself as another person seems like a good way to stay realistic and objective.


Bob, I couldn't agree more. More often than not I can give better advice to others than I can think for myself. It's this odd phenomenon that happens, but for some reason I am able to look at others situations better than my own. Maybe it's just a part of human nature. We can be more critical on others than ourselves. Even in class the other day, other classmates were asking our opinions on their pages and I could spit out advice like no other and was pretty dead on, but when it comes to my own page, I'm still not sure if I like it. It's interesting to think about to say the least. Thanks for the post!


This is very interesting. We are better at helping others than ourselves just because we think ourselves more capable than we are? I guess that is true. You always have better solutions to problems if there is atleast one more person to talk to. Each is an individual with different perspectives, experiences and thought process. In the long run listning to others makes us better too.
Thank you for the post!

Adam Searcy

I agree quite a bit with this study. For me it is all about RISK. If I am offering up advice to someone, it is just my two cents, not my hide. Of course I am not there offering advice without some stake in the outcome, but nowhere near the level if it is my own project we are talking about.
The two trickiest subfactors in this mentor, critical advice structure are A) finding that mentor whom you actually trust and won’t disregard their advice when it flies in the face of your own plans and B) actually listening to and taking such difficult to swallow feedback.

Go ahead and stay optimistic about yourself! That self efficacy is invaluable. If you are able to temper it with such a wise advisor and maintain enough humility to allow that mentor to truly guide you, it may be the combination that pushes you well past the average in your endeavors.


Very interesting information! Makes complete sense too. Being that we are all human, we tend to think of the work we produce as being great work, our ideas being great ideas, and our actions as always great. We like to see ourselves in the positive light of things. But thats obviously not always the case. We can only see the world through our eyes, and like mentioned, if we have that positive outlook, we will fulfill those positive self-fulfilling prophecies.

With that, when we look at the other people around us in the work force, we are much more inclined to see the flaws in their production, ideas, and actions. Its the nature of the beast. And its not necessarily a bad thing, because you are providing a feedback from a different perspective (and last time I checked there are about 7 billion perspectives on this planet). So to be an effictive individual in the environment, feedback is absolutely crucial for success! By putting ourselves in someone else's shoes or projecting ourselves outside our roles to look in, we can receive that insight if that outside feedback isn't available! Thanks Bob!


As a writing consultant to academic writers, and an academic writer myself, I can definitely confirm this effect. I'm much better at thinking creatively about someone else's paper than about my own, and about someone else's writing process than my own. I would add that after working very closely with the writing projects of others, I am much more effective and creative as a writer myself. After much training, I am better able to see "my self as an other". That's generally good for your style.

Joe Marchese

Spot-on, Bob. It's all about perspective. Here are my thoughts, per a blog I wrote about a year ago:


Great study. Now we all need to be prepared to give and receive that constructive feedback. Sometimes people are hesitant to give truly honest feedback, and on the flip-side it’s sometimes hard to take.

Patricia Knight

This was great information and reaffirms what it is I have seen. People have inflated views of themselves as when I talk to employees about their performance it doesn't always match reality to the feedback received as they see themselves performing better than what is documented. Having a mentor is a great suggestions as it can help ground you in reality.

Thank you,
Patricia Knight

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