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Like you said clearly more research is needed but very interesting as well. Not being a coffee drinker at all it is still intriguing because everyone around me men and women love it and could not go without their morning cup. I wonder what the effects are for say like employment seekers and their search for job listings each morning, decaf or caffeinated and men or women?

Peter Raeth

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Michael Ling

For the paper to be published, I guess the researchers must have found significance at p<.05 level for the hypotheses.

Like the quote, man's nature is aggressive and woman's is collaborative. Caffeine is a moderator... not the mother of all causes.

Christian Louboutin

Good point. As I said, this is just one study, but if the effects are replicated in others


AThe latest psychology research is showing that there's little or no physical/genetic reason for behavioural differences between sexes and that cultural conditioning plays a far bigger part. So I'd say this is probably all cultural.

SteveB, why do we need to take into account the "feminization" of males in many Western societies? Can you explain a bit more what you mean, because I don't really understand.


Then of course you have to take into consideration the general "feminization" of males in many western societies. I wonder how much culture factors in to this.

Bob Sutton


Good point. As I said, this is just one study, but if the effects are replicated in others -- following your point -- just because
"on average" caffeine has a different effect on men then women, does not mean that it effects all men and all women the same. I especially agree about the negative stereotyping. Still, I am going to be a bit more cautious about giving guys caffeine!


Seems way, way too stereotypical to me, making the assumption that all men are the same and will react the same.

Color me skeptical...

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