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Susan Barrett Kelly

For what it’s worth, I am grateful that your voice on civility in the workplace is out there. From one boomer to another, thank you.

Denise Brouillette

I've recommended the No Asshole Rule to so many that I've lost count. Now if only more leaders would demand behavior change or show them the door!


I continue to admire your transparency, Bob. There's a short list of blogs I follow closely. Between your passion for evidence-based insights and your gifted way of putting them into words, I'm a better leader because of you.

And BTW, thanks to you, I interviewed Steve Kramer this morning about his and Teresa's book The Progress Principle for our podcast. Your enthusiastic endorsement of their book was the catalyst for me.

Thanks, and keep up the great work! Here's 5 Stars from Chicago! :)


I found your book to be outstanding and have recommended it to others. I am trying to get the 13 owners of my firm to read it so some of them can recognize why they are driving good people away from our firm. So far, only 1 has read it but he isn't one of the a-holes. Thanks for the great book. I refer to it often.

Bob Sutton


Thanks for the note and the great link. Alas, I think my post reminded another writer to do her Amazon review and she put up a 2 star. Oh well...

Bob Sutton


Thanks for the comment; I really resisted writing that chapter, but as there is pretty good evidence that, under some conditions,leaving others feeling demeaned and de-energized -- and intimidated -- helps individuals be seen as powerful and to get ahead (especially in I-win you lose systems), I felt compelled to talk about the evidence. Note that such behavior usually does damage to others and undermines organizational performance. And as I say, if you are winner and an asshole, you are still an asshole -- and a loser to me.


Hi Bob,

I just read your TNAR book in paperback. I wish I had read your book years ago. I have mixed feelings about chapter 6 which is a strange chapter in an otherwise excellent book.

I wonder what you think about asshole interviewers who like to play head games with job candidates. I will email you later with more details. Thanks.

New York

Kelley Eskridge

Bob, well done for posting your one-star review! You've just joined a distinguished and rowdy crew of authors who have decided that we can survive a stranger's disapproval of our work, even a vehement one.

One of science fiction's most successful authors, John Scalzi, occasionally posts his one-star reviews and invites other writers to do the same. I thought you might enjoy knowing you're not alone (big smile):

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Asshole Survival

Scaling Up

Good Boss Bad Boss

No Asshole Rule

Hard Facts

Weird Ideas

Knowing -Doing Gap

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