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cool man very istressting


Hello Bob
What can i say...
Assholes...exist anywhere and anytime and on any road....


It reminds me of the Tyler Durden speech from Fight Club,"society forces us into jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need."

Thank god for your blog. I've been trying to find that Vonnegut poem again for the last three years. I could paraphrase it but I wanted it exactly and you have provided it whereas "The New Yorker" seems to have no knowledge of it.
BTW You might like to dee what I do.


yeah great postcard...1st time to comment on this blog...sure i will come again ;)


Hi Bob,

Cindy here ("standing vs. sitting at meetings".) I've been reading your blog for a while now and it makes for some very interesting reading. I grew up reading Vonnegut so I particularly enjoyed this issue. I read your column and then I read the comments and then I don't "feel so all alone". (Dylan?)


I like the '15 things I believe in' especially #14

It is good to ask yourself, do I have enough? Do you really need more money, power, prestige, or stuff?

We can't take it with us there are no pockets in a shroud !

There's a poem that I liked from my school days called:

Death the Leveller by J Shirley and the last two lines are very appropriate for all the greedy bastards out there that got us into this mess -

Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust.

Here's the poem below.

The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against fate,
Death lays his icy hand on kings.
Sceptre and crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crooked scythe and spade.

Some men with swords may reap the field,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill,
But their strong nerves at last must yield,
They tame but one another still
Early or late
They stoop to fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they, pale captives, creep to death.

The garlands wither on your brow:
Then boast no more your mighty deeds;
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim bleeds.
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb,
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust.

Jim Mrvos

I found this blog after seeing a video of Vanguard Investments founder Jack Bogel. He referred to the Vonnegut poem in the interview. A quick internet search let me here.

Though it may be ironic that a icon of the world of the finance industry would be talking about and writing about the concept of "Enough", that is who he is.

Your comments about the poem and your list of "15 Things I Believe" are intriguing and thought provoking. Thanks for sharing your insights.


Wow. I plan to explore this site at length. Thanks for a lot to think about. Congrats on the Vonnegut permission and poem... He's one man I truly admire...


Two words: Tom Siebel

Four more words: Who is Pat House?

Four final words: Where are they now?

three for the post script: Thank you Bob!

GS Chandy

Those are some fascinating posts on the "No Asshole Rule" - I'm still reading many of them, trying to make sense of many issues that arise in my mind. I have a few questions on the asshole issue that I believe you may not have adequately treated as yet:

I think it is becoming very clear to practically everyone in the world that the US has been led by a certified asshole (and the Gang he had gathered around him) of the highest possible grade since 2001. Why not work *effectively* to throw the scoundrel out and ensure that in future at least the US (as the world's sole superpower) would be led by real leaders and not by assholes?

(I have some thoughts on the above that I would like to contribute).


Frank Roche

Okay, that goes in the "very cool" pile. I guess getting my G.I. Joe dogtags in 1967 don't quite measure up. ;-)

Chris Yeh

Damn, Kurt Vonnegut is one cool dude.

Side note on famous authors: I heard a great quote from the late great Ken Kesey at a dinner I attended. When asked about Tom Wolfe, he simply replied:

"Shit floats, and cream rises. You can't always tell which is which just because it floated to the top."

John Lilly

great postcard!!

and an explanation for everything: assholes are just collections of bad chemicals.


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No Asshole Rule

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