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Appreciate the article. Looking for advice for my high school culinary arts class. I'm building an employee evaluation system for my student supervisors and just this semester put into place formal evaluation forms (from the hotel industry) for them to work on. Even though I understand their dubious value, I think it is important for my students to be familiar with the process both as the evaluated and evaluator. Would you have any suggestions/resources for my next step?

Thank you!


thanks for these clarifications of your views. The two tests you propose are useful.

Although I agree with some of the criticism of annual performance appraisals, I am wondering whether those who abolish them are at risk of throwing the baby out with the bath water?

With a less systematic, regular, and objective approach to performance management, there is the risk that promotion and reward processes will become more political and more subjective.

I would suggest that there are a few prerequisites that should be put in place first, before abolishing appraisals.

First of all one needs to ensure that managers have the required skills and that there is at least a minimum level of trust.

Then, one can look at the actual performance management process. For example, is there a real "performance dialogue" between the boss and the employee, that is, a negotiation around goals, resources, and time lines? And is the appraisal tied to the commitments that the employee has made during this performance dialogue?

Kind regards,


Love it - very practical and useful. Question - how do you help organizational leaders / managers (etc) make #1 a reality? Often I find the annual performance evaluation is created to "force" at least one conversation per year. Ours has quarterly checkpoints built-in so that we are "forcing" at least 4 conversations about performance per year. How do we ensure that these performance conversations are happening all the time - formally and informally? Everyone "knows" (via training, leadership newsletters, etc) that they "should" be doing this and that on-going performance discussions is the goal of annual performance reviews. But still no traction. Any ideas?

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