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Hi Bob,

Thanks for posting this excerpt. So great that we linked to it in our weekly newsletter. If you want to check that out, you can do it on our blog:

Reminds me of what Steve Blank wrote about Tim Cook and Apple:

I would argue that Kapor's problem isn't that he didn't want to run a big company, it's that he didn't believe that he *could* run a big company *his* way, so he farmed it out.


Great site. I've enjoyed reading through your older posts. Do you have any plans to post more?


But there is an upside here. In large organization, if you now how to do it, you can have a big influence using your leadership skills. Big organizations can allow you to have contact with a large number of other workers.


Furthermore, there can be a lot of waste of time in a big organization because of the time spent doing mundane chores and not spent innovating. One of the best ways to run an organization is to get out of your office and away from paperwork. The contact made with staff can be very valuable.


A great lesson here and one that I learned in the Big 4 where I spent 18 years in an organization that had a flat hierarchy. You learn to make good decisions and to work with others in a structure like that. Because you make the decisions, you do have to upgrade your thinking. But once you work in an organization like that, you find that there is no other way to work. So this blog post is essentially telling us that size has to be managed very well or it can be a problem.

Walter Underwood

This is one of the reasons behind the Netflix values.

Some of the founders had started Pure Software. It was swallowed by bigger and bigger fish, eventually IBM, and became a place that that they no longer wanted to work at.

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